Frequently Asked Questions

How much holiday do I have?

Holiday is shown on each temporary workers payslip as ‘holiday accrued’ or ‘holiday c/fwd’.

How many days holiday do I have?

To work out how many days or hours holiday you have in your holiday fund you need to divide your ‘holiday accrued’ by your pay rate. This will give you the number of hours you have accrued or the number of days if you are day rate.

Can I opt out of holiday pay?

No. This scheme has been introduced after a ruling made by the European Court of Justice and is now a legal requirement in the UK.

When does the 2018 holiday year run from and to?

As per the PAYE terms of engagement MMP Consultancy’s holiday year runs inline with its tax year meaning you will accrue and take statutory leave commencing on 30 September and runs until the anniversary of that date.

Will MMP Consultancy pay holiday pay without a holiday being taken?

Holiday pay can only be paid for holiday taken. The legislation does not allow holiday pay to be paid for any reason other than holiday.

Do I get paid on bank holidays? If I do, is this an automatic process?

Yes, if you have any holiday accrued this will be automatically processed and paid to you.

Can I carry over holiday entitlement to the next holiday year?

Any holiday entitlement must be taken during the course of the holiday year in which it is accrued. You cannot carry any over to next year, so you must use it or you will lose it.